Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sexuality From Elementary School Essay - 1318 Words

1.) Institutionalized heterosexuality- â€Å"Beginning in elementary school, students participate in a â€Å"heterosexualizing process† in which children present themselves as â€Å"normal† girls or boys through discourses of heterosexuality. Schools that convey and regulate sexual meanings are often organized in ways that are heteronormative and homophobic. The ordering of sexuality from elementary school through high school is inseparable from the institutional ordering of gendered identities. The heterosexualizing process organized by educational institutions cannot be separated from, and in fact is central to, the development of masculine identities† (26). â€Å"...seemingly neutral areas of academic instruction also draw upon and reinforce normative definitions of heterosexuality. For instance, at one elementary school a teacher invoked imagery of a heterosexual wedding to teach children rules of grammar. The class put on a mock wedding between the letters â€Å"Q† (the groom) and â€Å"U† (the bride), to illustrate the common coupling of the two letters. Similar heteronormative discourses permeate sex education curricula, which often feature a heterosexual married couple as the model for teen sexuality, and biology classes, in which gendered metaphors are used to explain the fertilization process† (27). At Burncoat, a popular heteronormative practice I witness was other teachers popping their head into a classroom to ask for â€Å"a couple of strong boys to help them lift something† or â€Å"a girl withShow MoreRelatedHow Comprehensive Sexuality Educational Class At Young Age Affect Teenagers?1673 Words   |  7 PagesHow Comprehensive Sexuality Educational Class at Young Age Affect Teenagers? When adolescents feel distinct to family, relatives, and school, they could turn into complex activities that put their wellbeing at risk. 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